Act Too Players is dedicated to crafting exceptional theatrical experiences that foster an inclusive, empowering, and empathetic environment for our youth. Our commitment is reflected in the array of six to nine distinct shows we bring to life each semester, showcased at the iconic Franklin Theatre.
We are firm believers in the transformative power of theatre education, which not only nurtures positive self-image but also heightens awareness of one's physical self. Through engaging in our programs, young individuals enhance coordination skills, develop self-expression, sharpen concentration, refine communication abilities, and expand their imaginative capacities. Join us in the journey of creative growth and self-discovery at Act Too Players.
In 2002, Sondra Morton began a theatre program that performed at the Boiler Room Theatre.
She started with 1 class with 17 people.
In 2010, ATP moved to a new rehearsal space over at The Factory at Franklin. We quickly grew to offering more classes for youth of all ages.
Today, we have a new rehearsal space and have grown to have almost 400 students a semester with our shows happening at the illustrious Franklin Theatre.
​To inspire, raise self esteem, and nurture all talents of children through self-expression in the art forms of Music and Theatre.
Act Too Players welcomes every child to participate in this program regardless of previous experience, skill, or knowledge of musical theatre. Act Too Players is one of the premier theatre programs in Williamson County, and we accept everyone before the audition process.
Act Too Players also offers a limited number of scholarships and work scholarships each semester. Scholarships are reserved for students who have previously participated in the program and are for students who are under a financial hardship.
Many of the Act Too Players Members and Alumni have been seen on stage locally in both community and professional theatre productions. Many students have gone on to be accepted to drama programs at universities including Belmont University, Boston Conservatory, American Musical and Dramatic Academy, Samford, Manhattan Marymount, Emory & Henry, Berklee College of Music, Columbia, Butler, Barnard College, the Atlantic School, University of Tennessee, David Lipscomb, Western Kentucky, Stamford, and many more.​

We are currently located in a 3,000 sqft space that hosts all of our Act Too rehearsals and classes. This facility has one large rehearsal room, four breakaway rooms/private lesson rooms, and a second smaller dance room.
We are located near Hobby Lobby and Planet Fitness in Franklin, TN

Beginning in 2014, our performances are being held at the beautifully restored, historic Franklin Theatre. With a state-of-the-art sound and lighting system, and undeniable charm, the Franklin Theatre is the ideal performance venue for our students to learn and excel in their theatrical endeavors.
The Franklin Theatre boasts a:​
289 to 322 seating capacity
Full ticketing services including web based convenience
Food and beverage services

Act Too was not only a place to grow as an actor, singer, and dancer, but was also a place to grow as a person. The time I spent in Act Too molded me into a strong person with the confidence needed to succeed in the career of Musical Theatre. I was challenged as a performer to push the limits and explore what I uniquely could offer to a role. I am more than thankful for this, and consider it the foundation of who I am today."
The Act Too Players defined theatre for me. I grew-up with the program and through the years it consistently bestowed upon me the training and experience I would need to face not only artistic endeavor but life challenges. Theatre has made me who I am today. And I don't just mean an actress or a performer, I mean a confident young woman with the tools and passion to work towards my dreams. Act Too made theatre an important part of my life, and by doing so changed it."