50 years of
We have the know-how you need.
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Interested in Private Voice, Piano, Guitar, Dance & Acting Lessons?

Our teachers are highly qualified and have spent many years working in the music and/or theatre industry.
Our carefully designed program give our students all of the opportunities they need to develop their skills and talents. Some of the student enrichment activities and experiences include technic, performance, composition, theory, ear-training, ensemble, sight-reading, practicing skills and playing the best music from today and the past.
The different parts of our program reinforce eachother creating an incredibly effective learning experience. Students gain practical skills that they will use and enjoy throughout their lives.
Everything we do is geared toward student progress; this is what you are paying for.
Cost varies according to teacher.
Private lessons for Franklin, Brentwood, Spring Hill, Nashville, and Murfreesboro

Private Voice & Piano Instructor

Private Voice Instructor

Private Voice Instructor

Private Monologue/Acting Coach